Map for villas in the Costa de la Luz

To help you search for Costa de la Luz villas, the map below shows the two main provinces of Huelva and Cadiz, including the main cities, towns and villages as well as roads and airports.

Where on the Costa de la Luz?

Use the Costa de la Luz map, together with our villa search, to help you decide where to choose for your villa holiday. The map shows the two main areas of the Costa de la Luz, divided by the River Guadalquivir flowing down from Seville. The northern and western area from the border with Portugal down to the Cota Donana National Park and the Guadalquivir river is in Huelva Province. To the south and east of the river down as far as Tarifa, near Gibraltar, is the province of Cádiz. We have holiday accommodation listed in both sections, Cádiz is by far the most popular with British villa holidaymakers, but Huelva Province has some beautiful beaches and towns and shouldn't be underestimated.

Villaseek Costa de Luz map

More about villas in Costa de la Luz

If you have come to this page without reading our introduction to villas in the Costa de la Luz then you may like click the link to read more information about the area as a villa holiday destination.